Yes, I'm back

Okay, I know it's been a long, long time, but I decided that it was time to restart the blog. First, a bit of an explanation for my absence. Right around the time of my last post was when I discovered that I was pregnant with Juan JoaquĆ­n, and right on the heels of that exciting news came the dreaded and very expected, ubiquitous morning sickness. Then, as if that weren't enough, I got the one-two punch of extreme exhaustion. I don't remember ever being so tired before--but then again, I'd never been pregnant while raising two toddlers before. Then, the next thing I knew, I was giving birth and, well, newborns and blogging don't mix very well, either. Now, Carolina is almost 5 and is in Pre-K, Susanna is 3 and J.J. is 15 months old. I'm still at home with the younger two, and finally feel the motivation to get re-started.

Despite the tiredness and pregnancy and newborn stage, I still found time to scrapbook, of course! Besides traditional paper scrapbooking, though, I also discovered digital scrapbooking. I, who had always insisted that there was no way that I could ever like digital scrapbooking, am now addicted. I started digi-scrapping as an easy way to make gift albums. I was tired of always making albums for people and never keeping one for myself. Then I discovered how easy it was to use quickpages. Soon, I realized that it wasn't very difficult to create my own pages.

For the past year, I've been spending more and more time digi-scrapping. Besides being able to create multiple albums quickly and easily, I found that I had much more time to scrapbook when I didn't have to worry about taking out and putting away all my supplies. Everything is nicely organized on the computer. No fuss, no muss, which means that I started getting a lot more done.

In March of this year, I decided to check out some digital scrapbooking sites to see if I could learn more by participating in different challenges. I always work best when I have a specific task and deadline. I had so much fun and learned so much that I decided to enter into a contest at Go Digital Scrapbooking for a position on their Creative Team. Amazingly enough, I made it! I also applied to a few other CTs and accepted positions with Kenna's Designs and Enchanted Studio Scraps, all three of which officially began this month. I'm so excited to be working for all of them and have already met some great people. The next 3 months will be busy but so much fun.

So there you go. A general overview of what's been going on scrapping-wise with me since last we met. I promise I'll be updating regularly now.

Before I go, over the next few days, I'll be posting some of the kits I've been working with and the layouts I've done with them.

Here's the first kit I worked with for Kenna's Designs. The kit is called Afternoon Playdate and is great for scrapping photos of your kids!

And here are two layouts that I made with the kit:

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