Creative Play

I read this on the Donna Downey blog. How wonderful an idea!

"we went to Kroma, a fabulous little hidden treasure. used his paints today and they are FAB-U-LOUS!! dare i say i am a Canadian paint buyer from now on! kevin the owner kept the store open late for us and i am so glad he did! the experience and meeting him inspired me beyond compare...let me tell you why.

so his store was super cute and how could a store of paint NOT be inspiring, but he had a huge roll of canvas suspended from the ceiling, silly me says, "what do you do with that? do you pull it down and paint?" he said no he just pulls it down and cuts it for his customers. then he told us this story!

he had a teacher in college that every night before he left his studio he would gesso a piece of canvas. the next day he would not leave his studio until he completed a painting on specific style or design, just painting for paintings sake and place it on the pile of paintings. gesso a new canvas and start again the next day.

he never assessed grades to his classes, but instead gave them the opportunity to grade themselves citing that if he was not to be judged by his art, they were not to be either.


when the teacher retired his stacks of paintings were bought and shown as a collection by an art gallery.

why am i so inspired? i am going to paint a painting everyday, just to paint, just to creatively play, just for me.
what do you think?
lets start a new movement!
a painted page a day!
are you in??"

I love the idea of creating, just to create. What an inspiring way to view art!

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